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Watering aloes the right way is most important.  Although aloes are succulent plants, they do need a fair amount of water during their natural growing season.


Certain varieties indigenous to high-rainfall areas need much more water than species that are indigenous to very arid regions.  For example, Aloe variegata from the Karoo, and A.gariepensis from the Orange River, need dry conditions, especially in summer, while A.thompsoniae from the eastern Transvaal escarpment enjoys plenty of moisture in summer.


Aloes indigenous to summer rainfall regions should be watered in summer, but not in winter, while those from the winter rainfall regions require the opposite treatment.  However, many aloes are extremely adaptable to different climate conditions, provided that they have good drainage.


The best time of day to water is early morning - unless there is a danger of frost damage, in which case it is better to water later in the day when the plants have had a chance to warm up.  To make watering easier, try to plant species which need similar watering conditions together.


When and how often should I water my aloes?

When and how often should I water my aloes?

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Opposite Lombardy Corporate Park

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