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Botanical Name: Chamaerops humilis
Common Name: Dwarf Fan Palm


Use:Outdoors and Indoors
Indigenous/Exotic : Exotic
Evergreen/Deciduous : Evergreen
Plant Type : Palm
Flower Colour : Yellow
Foliage Colour : Green
Best Season : Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Light : Bright Light
Hardiness : Frost-tender
Attributes :
Height (m) : 2 - 3
Spread (m) : 1 - 2
Notes: This is the only palm which grows wild in Europe. In a tub in the living room it will rarely exceed l metre, but will have a spreading form.


It is not difficult to grow from seed. Young plants are potted in a loamy mixture rich in humus and kept out of direct sunlight. Soil should be pressed down, but not compacted. Within two years you will have a fine plant.


Potting and Growing Conditions
This is a hardy plant. Place in a well-lit spot in summer but out of direct sun. In winter it may be placed in a relatively dark position. Be careful of its sharp spines. Grow in 1 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite and 2 parts standard potting mix. Provide ventilation but no draughts. Prefers a moderate temperature of between 10° to 16° Celsius at night. Keep cool but frost free in winter. Needs good drainage. Normal humidity. In summer it may be outdoors.


Wash the leaves monthly to clean pores. Water freely in summer. In winter keep moderately moist. Feed weekly from September to March with a weak solution of liquid fertiliser.


Pests and Diseases
Watch for mealybugs, red spiders, scale and thrips.

Chamaerops humilis

Plant Traders Logo

Graham road, Pretoria East

Opposite Lombardy Corporate Park

GPS -25.794221,28.35869

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