This is a list of gardening questions we frequently get asked

About aloes
What is the best position in my garden to grow aloes?
When and how often should I water my aloes?
Should I be giving my aloes synthetic fertiliser?
How can I propagate my collection of aloes?
When do aloes flower?
What are the white scales on the leaves of my aloes?
My aloes have brown and yellow circular patches on their leaves. What are they?
My aloes are getting a white powder on them and the flower buds seem to be rotten. What is wrong?
Are there any specific insects which attack aloes?
About conifers
Should I prune my conifers?
What aftercare do conifers need?
How should I prepare the ground for planting of conifers?
Do conifers suffer from any pests?
Using conifers for hedges and windbreaks
My conifer has dry, brown centre. What could be the cause of this?
About indigenous trees
Should I plant an evergreen or deciduous tree?
What are the best indigenous trees for small townhouse gardens?
What is the best time of the year to plant indigenous trees?
What are the best trees to attract birds to city gardens?
What exactly is an indigenous plant, and what is an exotic plant?
What are the benefits of planting trees in a house garden?
Do trees, like bushes, need to be pruned, fed and watered from time to time?
How can I be certain that my tree’s roots will not at a later stage damage my house or garden wall or cause a blockage of the sewage pipes?
The best of our indigenous trees
List of trees of the year 2000 - 2020
Why is the cycad known at the bread tree (or broodboom in Afrikaans)
About cycads
A practical guide to Sago palm growing and caring
Why do they call cycads ‘living fossils’?
How do I know when my fruit tree is supposed to be bearing fruit?
About fruit trees
How to grow oranges, lemon, lime, grapefruit, mandrin and kumquats
How to grow mangoes
How to grow peaches, nectarines, plums, apricots and almonds (also known as stonefruits)
How to grow litchis
How to grow pomegranates
How to grow macadamias
About watering your plants
How much water do my plants need?
What is the best time to water my plants?
Elke Tuinier se Gids tot Tuinmaak, Kristo Pienaar
Tuis, August 2006
Information from
Your gardening questions answered, Reader's Digest
Information from
Tree of the year information from SANBI
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