Botanical Name: Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'
Common Name: Conifer
Use: Outdoors
Indigenous/Exotic : Exotic
Evergreen/Deciduous : Evergreen
Plant Type : Conifer
Flower Colour : None
Foliage Colour : Blue Grey
Best Season : Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter
Light : Sun to light shade
Hardiness : Hardy
Attributes : Provides year round interest
Height (m) : 5 - 6
Spread (m) : 0.20 - 0.50
Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket' is possibly the narrowest of all conifers. This pencil shaped cultivar may reach between 5 - 6 metres in height. It is excellent as a focal point or used as "pillars" for a formal entrance. It is blue grey and very effective when grouped. Highly recommended for small gardens and townhouses. Drought resistant.
Notes : Conifers are constant, lending structure and depth of colour to the garden in every season of the year. Their dense evergreen foliage has an amazing range of different sizes, shapes and colours.
The soil should be well drained and reasonably fertile - add plenty of slightly acid compost to sandy or clay soils to improve their texture. Will thrive in an open, sunny to lightly shaded position. The golden varieties need full sun to show their best colours, but the blues and the silvers are often better in semi-shade, particularly in the hotter areas. Keep well watered during dry spells, especially in summer. Little pruning is necessary. Propagate by means of tip cuttings (5 - 7.5 centimetres long) taken during mid to late winter. Root best in sharp sand, under mist with bottom heat if possible.