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Botanical Name: Philodendron selloum
Common Name: Philodendron


Use: Outdoors
Indigenous/Exotic : Exotic
Evergreen/Deciduous : Evergreen
Plant Type : Shrub
Flower Colour : Cream white
Foliage Colour : Green
Best Season : All seasons
Light : Sun, semi-shade, shade
Hardiness : Semi hardy
Attributes :  
Height (m) : 2
Spread (m) : 2
Notes: A lover of shade and moisture, this philodendron creates a lush, tropical look with its broad, glossy, deeply divided leaves on long, arching stems. The leaf veins are very prominent, giving an almost quilted appearance. In ideal conditions, it bears creamy-white flowers rather like those of the arum lily. It’s a perfect companion for plants such as Protasparagus densiflorus 'Myers' (cat's tail asparagus), all the different kinds of ferns, shade-loving grasses, dracaenas, papyrus and sedges. It also makes an excellent background to shade-loving annuals such as impatiens and begonias, as well as to different types of bromeliads.


This philodendron is fairly adaptable and can even withstand very light frost. But it does best in warm, frost-free regions, and can even be grown in the drier parts of the country, provided it is kept well watered.


In moist, humid conditions, it can be grown in a sunny situation but usually does best in semi- or full shade in a well-composted, well-drained soil.





Philodendron selloum

Plant Traders Logo

Graham road, Pretoria East

Opposite Lombardy Corporate Park

GPS -25.794221,28.35869

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