Botanical Name: Podocarpus henkelii
Common Name: Henkel's Yellowwood
Use: Outdoors
Indigenous/Exotic : Indigenous
Evergreen/Deciduous : Evergreen
Plant Type : Tree
Flower Colour : None
Foliage Colour : Green
Best Season : All seasons
Light : Sun to semi-shade
Hardiness : Hardy
Attributes : Attracts birds
Height (m) : 7 - 10
Spread (m) : 4
Notes : Genus of about 100 species. Occurs naturally in moist, evergreen mountain forests where the trees can reach 20 to 40 metres in height. In cultivation it is the most rewarding of the yellowwoods. It is a decorative pyramid-shaped, fairly slow-growing tree. Plant in a position where its beautiful shape can be seen to full advantage. It can also be used as a background tree where its fine foliage will contrast well with shrubs and trees with bolder foliage. Wind tolerant when well established. Grow in rich, well-drained soil. It prefers a damp, cool position. With its lovely drooping habit it makes a good container plant for a shaded position. Dark bark peels to expose reddish-brown underbark.
The dark green foliage is glossy and drooping. The individual leaves are long, narrow and pointed. There are no flowers in the conventional sense. Only female trees produce cones which remain green even when ripe. In the female cones, the stalk also remains green. The cones are produced from September to January and are an important source of food for birds, especially parrots and louries. Male and female plants are both needed to produce the rounded to oblong cones. Although not common at the coast, they grow extremely well in coastal gardens. Propagation from seed is easy provided they grow in good soil with plenty of water. Pests and diseases: trouble-free.